Saturday, January 5, 2008

Problem with Online Store

I honestly have no idea when or how this happened but it's been brought to my attention that there is a problem with our e-commerce online store. This is heart breaking as I spent hours and hours setting up the store and checked everything several times.

The problem is when someone orders via PayPal the payment goes into our account but we have no idea on earth what the 'customer' has paid for. I've tried as best I can to take the store down but if anyone has ordered anything from us over the last 2 months would you please contact me by e-mailing
or leave a comment here.

I'm afraid for the time being all orders are going to have to be by direct contact either e-mail or telephone. This will be until we can hire someone to set the store up to run the way it was ment to run. But then that's ok by me because I love that one-to-one contact. I've done business selling the baby afghans for almost 2 years this way, via e-mail contact, and have never had a problem.

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