Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pumpkins are doing Great

We don't know what 'went wrong' but it's only August and our pumpkins are bright orange already. We had planned on selling pumpkins in the fall but are really wondering what they will look like by then.

Ok, pumpkins were a battle this year - for some reason our darling chickens kept pulling up the plants when they were a couple inches tall. I really didn't think we were going to have any pumpkins.

Well, we finally got the chickens under control and the pumpkins took off like crazy - they started taking over everything and still it's a daily chore directing the vines (some as much as 50 feet long) back into their area.

So what do you think, will we have pumpkins to sell in the fall or will they all be rotten by then? Needless to say I'm going to be busy trying to figure out how to save 30 some pumpkins for 2 more months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog with a nice title "Pumpkins are doing Great" and nice picture too. Your blog looks perfect. Cheers :) Beth